Mes: noviembre 2021

Have Intangible Products And Services Already Succeeded?

The 21st century has brought us great technological and cultural advances that in other times were believed unthinkable or unattainable. These transformations in our lives have been possible thanks to discoveries such as the manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum, the invention of electronic devices such as the computer and the transmission of data in near real time. However, one of… Leer más →

Os Produtos E Serviços Intangíveis Já Foram Bem-sucedidos?

O século 21 trouxe-nos grandes avanços tecnológicos e culturais que em outros tempos eram considerados impensáveis ​​ou inatingíveis. Essas transformações em nossas vidas foram possíveis graças a descobertas como a manipulação do espectro eletromagnético, a invenção de dispositivos eletrônicos como o computador e a transmissão de dados quase em tempo real. No entanto, uma das maiores mudanças que esta nova… Leer más →

¿Triunfaron Ya Los Servicios Y Productos Intangibles?

El siglo XXI nos ha traído grandes avances tecnológicos y culturales que en otras épocas se creyeron impensables o inalcanzables. Estas transformaciones en nuestras vidas han sido posibles gracias a descubrimientos como la manipulación del espectro electromagnético, la invención de aparatos electrónicos como la computadora y la transmisión de datos en tiempo casi real. No obstante, uno de los mayores… Leer más →

4 Points To Consider When Recruiting Doctors

Market research is not only focused on understanding the supply and demand of mass consumer products in supermarkets. Studies are also carried out in specialized segments. One of these sectors is that of Medicine. Laboratories and brands in the healthcare segment carry out research every year to better understand people and their needs in terms of prevention and health care.… Leer más →