En la edición de marzo 2018 de la Revista Research World de ESOMAR, Olga Espinoza, Directora Ejecutiva de Acertiva, comparte sus puntos de vista sobre el futuro del marketing digital en América Latina. A continuación compartimos un extracto del artículo publicado en inglés:
This shift away from traditional to digital media has consequences for market research as well as the advertising industry. The latter is growing rapidly in Mexico, tells Roberto Palacios of the Guadalajara based maketing agency Creativos rd. “In Mexico, the advertising business is growing rapidly, as well as the media we communicate through to get to specific markets.” He sees the advertising sector becoming more competitive due to the increase of clients who need communication. Clients also demand integral solutions that assure effective results directly reflected on their business growth. “These results can only be achieved by planning effective and innovative strategies and by the correct media selection”, Palacios adds. The constant change in the markets, with a strong focus on advanced and innovative technologies, means that his company needs to keep updating in order to compete as an advertising agency.
The most recent survey of the Mexican Internet Association (AMIPCI), shows that the level of internet penetration in Mexico is at 63% which is equivalent to 70 million internet users. Olga Espinoza, managing director of market research agency Acertiva in Mexico City, explains how media consumption has moved from traditional media to digital platforms. “New audiences consume information through social networks, chat and digital video. Their most used platform is the smartphone.”
Mexican advertising companies need to be informed about general matters but specifically in what is coming next for the sector, urges Palacios. “Technologies, changes in consumer behaviour, new trends, media innovation; we need to know, understand and be ready to implement these in our strategies in order to stay competent.” The latter demands a steady stream of talent, which is a challenge to the country’s professional population, tells Espinoza, who is ESOMAR’s representative in Mexico. “Without a doubt, the most significant change that I see within advertising and media companies, are the new job profiles required to develop digital content and communications.
There is a great demand for digital marketing professionals.” Much sought after are for instance community managers, web designers, content creators, search engine optimisation consultants, web analysts, and creatives.
“The research companies are now expected to offer a palette of services that go much further than supplying reliable numbers based on the enormous amount of data that is being generated and published. We also need to analyse the public’s interaction with the digital media and convert that into content that really impacts the consumers and users.”
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