Why Don’t The Three Magi No Longer Bring Toys?

For most of the grandparents and parents who read this post, they will remember that in their childhood on January 6 (in other countries on 25th December), under many Christmas trees, they found bicycles, skates, and manual toys such as toy cars, dolls, balls, among others. However, our grandchildren and children often ask for other presents to celebrate the end of the Xmas. Consoles, video games, credit cards, gaming computers, designer chairs and headphones are just some of the most requested gifts in many homes.

This change in preferences of the children in the home is a reflection of the advancement of technology in daily life. When video games began to break into our lives, they were a very little diversified entertainment, very expensive and perceived as an own activity only for small groups that were not part of the majority segments. Not in vain at the beginning the geek community had in previous years a not very positive connotation for many.

Today the situation is completely different. Given the access to the Internet and the great advancement of companies dedicated to video games, many more people can choose this type of fun over traditional toys. In some countries it is even possible to see that players can choose to dedicate themselves professionally to this activity. This is the beginning of the era of e-sports. Not in vain, being recognized as a gamer is something desirable for many young people now.

Video games have also become an inescapable basis for a complete socialization of many young people around the world. Before not seeing the last chapter of a cartoon or series did not mean a major complication. However, today people use player communities as an extension of their school or family relationships. And if that weren’t enough, some of them create international communities by launching free live game streaming channels or in exchange for voluntary contributions.

Some videogame characters have also become a fundamental part of the general culture and many of them are part of the soft power of many countries. Some of the characters in the best-known games are icons that unite players from the most diverse languages ​​and cultures. For example, at the closing ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Tokyo boasted one of the games best known to all. The public viralized this sample on social networks, pointing to the references displayed in the Maracanã Stadium that night.

So far we have been talking about the visible part of this huge industry. Whether through large studios or through small companies, there are countless professionals who seek to reach the spotlight of an increasingly demanding market. Engineers, designers, musicians, animators, geographers, publicists, screenwriters, and more are dedicated every day to developing the next best-selling title.

For these reasons, among others, is that Santa Claus (mainly in Anglo-Saxon countries) and the Three Magi (in much of Latin America and Spain) bring fewer analog toys and more consoles and video game titles every year. Will toys from before be completely displaced by electronic toys? We don’t think so, but this process is still under development. Through market studies it will be possible to monitor the transformations of the sector. The data and information derived from these investigations will help you adjust your business plans with sufficient opportunity.

At Acertiva we are aware that many market segments are undergoing faster and deeper transformations every day. For this reason, we put at your disposal our more than 18 years of experience so that you can carry out your market studies with the best tools at your fingertips. Write to us today so you can tell us what your next project is about and we will tell you how together we can write your next success story.