Día: 19 de marzo de 2025

Fotografía de varias herramientas de remodelación de edificio sobre el alféizar de una ventana. Imagen de Stefan Schweihofer en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de diversas ferramentas de reforma de prédio no parapeito de uma janela. Imagem de Stefan Schweihofer no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of several building remodeling tools on a windowsill. Image by Stefan Schweihofer on Pixabay. (English)

How Can Market Research Help You Renew Your Brand?

Finding a winning formula for your company can be a legitimate goal and a milestone in your career. However, in a highly competitive world, sticking to the same list of attributes can lead to a foreboding end. This is because people and the prevailing system are often under constant renewal, which doesn’t forgive being stuck in the past. Prestige and… Leer más →