Etiqueta: Concepts

Fotografía de la mano de una persona de negocios sosteniendo una pluma sobre un reporte y al lado de una calculadora. Imagen de Kris en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia da mão de um empresário segurando uma caneta sobre um relatório e ao lado de uma calculadora. Imagem de Kris no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a business person's hand holding a pen over a report and next to a calculator. Image by Kris on Pixabay. (English)

What Options Are There To Do Market Research?

Market Research is a discipline with multiple tools and methodologies at your disposal to solve the needs of brands and people. The choice of one or the other depends on many circumstances. Weighing the conditions surrounding a project is the job of analysts who, based on their experience, will choose the best means to resolve the questions raised in the… Leer más →

Detalle del Centro Histórico de Salvador, capital de Bahía, Brasil. Imagen de soel84 en Pixabay. (Español) / Detalhe do Centro Histórico de Salvador, capital da Bahia, Brasil. Imagem de soel84 no Pixabay. (Português) / Detail of the Historic Center of Salvador, capital of Bahia, Brazil. Image by soel84 on Pixabay. (English)

4 Comments On The Classification Of Socioeconomic Levels In Market Research

Whether you have little or a lot of time dedicating yourself to Market Research, you have come across Socioeconomic Levels. These vary from country to country because it is not possible to establish a rule that applies internationally given the heterogeneity of national realities. In LATAM, some organizations that define these levels are the Brazilian Association of Research Companies (ABEP… Leer más →

Fotografía de impresiones de un reporte con una pila y una pluma encima. Imagen de Dmitriy en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de impressões de relatórios com uma pilha e uma caneta em cima. Imagem de Dmitry no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of printouts from a news report with a stack and a pen on top. Image by Dmitry on Pixabay. (English)

What 4 Other Elements Can Be Part Of A Report?

The preparation of study reports within Market Research is an activity full of possibilities. This is because with the passage of time and the emergence of new techniques and methodologies, traditional reports that we could conceive of as mere print bindings and that apparently look similar to a book or notebook today can have a multitude of forms and presentations.… Leer más →

Fotografía de dos pintarrones con plumones y notas adhesivas. Imagen de Rudy and Peter Skitterians en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de dois quadros brancos com marcadores e post-its. Imagem de Rudy e Peter Skitterians no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of two blackboards with markers and sticky notes. Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians on Pixabay. (English)

What Are Some Of The 4 Elements Of A Report?

In most of our blog posts we usually talk about the first phases of market research projects: planning, operational part and analysis. However, we have dedicated little space to the last one and we take it for granted as a quick and simple phase. We refer to the stage of preparing a report. It should be noted that the implications… Leer más →