Etiqueta: English

Fotografía de tres mujeres compradoras felices. Imagen de u_l8gwxdiauf en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de três compradores felizes. Imagem de u_l8gwxdiauf no Pixabay. (Português) / Photo of three happy female shoppers. Image by u_l8gwxdiauf on Pixabay. (English)

What Applications Does Mystery Shopper Have For My Brand?

As a general rule, it is considered that Market Research is limited to carrying out indirect studies. The latter refers to the fact that studies are carried out outside the commercial field by analysts far from the sales units of the product and service providers. However, there are direct and primary means to obtain the inputs to develop reports of… Leer más →

Fotografía de un mapa con unos binoculares encima. Imagen de Ylanite Koppens en Pixabay. (Español) / Photograph of a map with binoculars on top. Image by Ylanite Koppens on Pixabay. (English) / Fotografia de um mapa com binóculos no topo. Imagem de Ylanite Koppens no Pixabay. (Português)

What Solutions Does Geomarketing Have for Your Brand?

The market is a very competitive environment. This is possible in countries where companies have the facilities to choose their path based, to a large extent, on their own decisions and resources. In general, in very competitive areas, interactions can be reminiscent of a conflagration. This is because every day that passes, companies must resort to tasks typical of armies,… Leer más →