Today we learned that we added one more brand to our offering of the Day of the Dead in Mexico. Superama, a brand with a long history in the supermarket sector, gives its space to a new concept from its parent company: WalMart. This case generated a series of impressions on social networks in various ways. And surely it is not the only example at this time and in this place.
Large companies have learned several lessons during the pandemic. One of them is that people began to prefer local providers close to their home. This for various reasons. Among them we have the desire to support the local economy against the generalized economic crisis and the fear of going to points of purchase with high concentrations of people and far from home.
The statement that WalMart issued to announce the disappearance of Superama goes in this direction. Despite the present situation, the large chain of self-service stores seeks to increase its presence with a new concept that focuses on bringing supermarkets closer to places where the traditional concept of the chain has not been able to enter.
With WalMart Express they are looking to venture into smaller stores in neighborhoods and cities where traditional WalMart stores have no place. Thus, it is possible to approach a market that will appreciate having a point of purchase with a large number of products and services, without the possibility of containing high concentrations of customers and without depending on large commercial complexes.
As we have emphasized in previous posts on our blog during the health contingency: this situation may be the opportunity for those brands that are dedicated to getting to know their consumers and apply the changes that are necessary to satisfy their needs. In addition, we are now experiencing a paradigm shift in the focus of marketing efforts. Before, the center was the consumer as an anonymous and homogeneous group. Now it’s people like you and me.
Another condition that has been observed in these months is the flexibility offered to people by brands. Those who have shown themselves to be unable to make exceptions and quick changes to alleviate the pressures of the people who consume their products and services can be perceived as distant. And right now that may be the difference between surviving or thriving.
Market research is a tool that today more than ever proves its value in translating the enormous amount of ideas that people publish and express regarding their needs into valuable data and information for making timely and effective decisions. At Acertiva we are ready to be part of your next success story.

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