The market has multiple specialty sectors. Among these is the educational one. This sector can be classified into different classes depending on the chosen parameter. For example, if we stick to the type of resources obtained, we have public ones (most numerous in Mexico), hybrid ones (exceptional in LATAM), and private ones (most common in Brazil). Generally, it is the latter who consume more market studies because they depend on a large and constant number of students in their enrollment.
Private schools and universities require the services of agencies in our field because their main activity is educating. There are many areas within private study centers that demand the findings of companies like Acertiva. Some of these departments are Communication, Prospecting and Sales, Management and Administration. For these reasons, this week we list four most common investigations in the segment.
Conglomerates. This type of project is very ambitious due to the elements involved. Its purpose is to segment the students of an educational center by common qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Under the best conditions, it demands that the instrument for collecting data from the universe be applied as a Census; in other words to the vast majority of members of a community. The result is a list of homogeneous groups whose experience can be personalized.
Satisfaction. As in other market sectors, the educational sector does not escape the logic of conformity with the service experience. Students have a subjective and objective perception of what they receive for paid tuition. The university itself may have internal channels to collect the most immediate concerns. However, it is preferable for a third party to collect consumer impressions and analyze this data. It can be applied to a representative sample or to the entire community.
Follow-up. The best advertising is what is done by word of mouth, says a popular saying. Graduates of educational centers can be a large part of that group of people who will be able to say wonders about your offer or discourage potential students. Furthermore, it is valuable to review whether the promise of value materializes in the lives of alumni. For this purpose, the largest number of former members of the school community are contacted and they are questioned about their current employment and their intention to recommend their Aula Mater.
Comparison. Generally this research is carried out from within the schools. It is about investigating the offer and characteristics of direct competitors. In this way you can know which aspects are differentiators when putting a potential student to choose between several options. Agencies can also carry out these types of projects for interested universities. It is suggested to carry out intensive prior work with suppliers to raise awareness and offer all the tools to meet the desired objectives.
Education is a service that becomes more important every year in Latin America. For many people, accessing a university degree is a means to achieve a better standard of living. There is an increasing number of options on offer, so standing out has become a more demanding mission that requires daily efforts to stay relevant. Market Research is a powerful ally for institutions that know that there are more elements to being in the eyes of young people than a list of attractive careers or cutting-edge facilities.
One of Acertiva’s fields of specialty is the educational sector. In our more than twenty years we have worked hand in hand with several educational centers that have trusted us to provide them with data and information that allows them to make better decisions. Our team of analysts and strategic allies is ready to attend to your needs. Write to us today. In response you will receive the way in which together we will make your next success story a reality.

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