And Now With The Trade War, What?

2025 began with the promise of great challenges given the circumstances inherited from the immediate past and in light of the economic and political events that were already on the agenda before even eating the grapes on December 31. However, some people might feel that January was more than dizzying. And the perception described is not for less. The tension between countries has marked a future with much more uncertainty than can be tolerated in times of tranquility.

It is difficult to visualize what scenario we will face in the coming years. However, it is not difficult to anticipate that conflicts and adversities may increase rather quickly. Although the desire is for the heated atmosphere to calm down, there are possibilities that this will not be the case. Markets are very sensitive to these changes. For this reason, Market Research appears as an ally to prepare for an increasingly volatile environment. Below we tell you four aspects in which our discipline can help you.

Risk matrix. If your brand already has one, you should consider updating it in light of recent events. On the other hand, if you do not have one, you should consider creating one. This study will allow you to know and measure the threats to which you are exposed and the degree of exposure. This instrument will allow you to plan a response plan to existing risks. Thus, when crises or disasters occur, you will be able to recover more quickly. What’s more, if you plan to reduce risks, you can save a lot on remedial actions.

SWOT analysis. This is a good time to pause along the way and make an assessment of your company with the help of external analysts who will contribute to your organization with their objectivity. This study gives you the opportunity to identify the positive and negative aspects, whether they are external or internal. By making this inventory, you can allow yourself to make the necessary adjustments to reduce the areas of opportunity and strengthen the characteristics that make you more competitive.

Attention to the news. Both before and now, it has been very complex to have a strategic and condensed overview of the trends published by the media. This task has become more complex with the arrival of social networks and the Internet. Thanks to the immediacy that is possible due to the fact that most people have a cell phone and that fake news has a greater impact than the most objective or contrasted news, the support of press experts is required to be at the forefront.

Monitoring perception. People’s mood can be more than decisive when it comes to taking action before any other eventuality. In the end, it is consumers who keep companies afloat with their preference and loyalty. In turbulent times, it is more appropriate than at any other time to invest in projects to understand the market’s feeling on aspects such as the mood on the most outstanding events and the reasons that dominate adjustments when spending.

Reducing doubts is one of the purposes of Market Research. For this reason, it is crucial to have the support of experts in the field in these complicated times. It is also a huge opportunity to anticipate future trends in order to cover the niches that will be left unoccupied and those that will emerge as a result of future advances. An apparent expense today can be the investment that puts you in an advanced position tomorrow.

At Acertiva we have more than two decades of experience conducting Market Research in LATAM. Our philosophy is to offer personalized responses so that you can satisfy your needs for knowledge of consumers and competitors. We put our team of analysts and strategic suppliers at your disposal to meet your objectives. Write to us today. We will respond with the way in which together we will make your next success story a reality.

Fotografía de un barco carguero en alta mar. Imagen de Thanasis Papazacharias en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de um navio cargueiro em alto mar. Imagem de Thanasis Papazacharias no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a cargo ship at sea. Image by Thanasis Papazacharias on Pixabay. (English)