In the history of humanity there have been many milestones that have changed people’s daily lives. In recent centuries these changes have been more vertiginous and increasingly rapid. Since the First Industrial Revolution, this phenomenon has accelerated enough for more than one to perceive that the transformations are very fast with each passing day. These constant adaptations are always accompanied by fears and resistance.
It is not an open secret that in many societies of the last centuries it is thought that the past times were better and calmer. In the 20th century, there was a shift from using telegrams and conventional mail to home telephone lines and public access television, just to mention the case of the field of telecommunications. Examples are plenty. The century that is passing is no exception and it seems that we are in the midst of a new acceleration.
The pandemic, the economic crisis and new scientific and technological advances are leading us to a world similar to the one dreamed by some visionaries. Today people carry a device that allows them to be connected with all knowledge and people at any time and place. However, this situation makes us rethink if we are not going too fast and if it would be worth continuing to use what is already with us.
Years ago many feared for the fate of the radio before the irruption of television. Today we have a similar feeling when we can choose between reading a book on a tablet or in its printed version. There are advocates that what is analog and already proven should remain and occupy a leading role in our lives. Others, however, strive for a transition in which the above is put in the showcases of museums.
What history has shown us is that it is rare to see a complete abandonment of past technologies when their use is widespread and meets specific needs. This trend is observed to a greater degree in places where conditions do not allow to lag behind more advanced places. A clear example of this is Latin America, where advances tend to arrive with a certain delay.
In Market Research it is still possible to see that there will be situations in which paper questionnaires will have to be used to collect data since the use of smartphones is not possible due to accessibility or security issues. In various field teams, it is not unusual for even having digital maps to have a paper map or atlas as backup to deal with situations of low signal or absence of electrical power.
It is true that some things do fall into oblivion because they manage to be replaced by more efficient solutions that perform the same function with much fewer resources. Today it would be somewhat inconvenient to use a manual typewriter to write a report when there are desktop and laptop computers that do the same task more quickly and conveniently. However, in cases where they cannot coexist, occupying specific niches.
Being attentive to trends, but at the same time having practice and respect for what is going backwards, helps us to be more versatile and humble in our work. The Acertiva team is aware of this and that is why we can adapt the needs of those who trust us to the reality of the countries in our region. Write us today so that together we can write your next success story.

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