Categoría: Latin America

Fotografía panorámica de Sao Paulo - Imagen de Pexels en Pixabay (Español) / Fotografia panorâmica de São Paulo - Imagem por Pexels da Pixabay (Português) / Panoramic photography of Sao Paulo Image by Pexels from Pixabay (English)

How To Understand Latin America?

The world market is huge and made up of many regions and countries. Based on the purposes that are had from the beginning, it can be classified into one number or another of subdivisions. To cite an example, the ESOMAR or European Society for Opinion and Marketing for its acronym in English contemplates dividing it into at least seven regions:… Leer más →

Alcancías (español) / Cofrinhos (Português) / Piggy banks (English)

What To Do In Case Of Recession?

In recent weeks, many voices have been added that predict an economic recession for the year 2023. The size and duration of this debacle are yet to be known. The reasons for this fact include the great uncertainty that reigns due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, the increase in tensions in some regions of the world such as… Leer más →