Categoría: Methodologies
What Options Are There To Do Market Research?
Market Research is a discipline with multiple tools and methodologies at your disposal to solve the needs of brands and people. The choice of one or the other depends on many circumstances. Weighing the conditions surrounding a project is the job of analysts who, based on their experience, will choose the best means to resolve the questions raised in the… Leer más →
Some Types Of Incentives In Market Research
What Types Of Incentives Are There?
Market Research is based on the data and information that people provide to analysts. Without this valuable raw material the studies would not be possible. If we review the classic idea that many persons have of a typical interview, it involves voluntary and free participation. However, in the real world, this type of collaboration is not a reflection of one… Leer más →
What Aspects Do We Have To Pay Attention To When We Do Studies With Businesses?
What Characteristics Do Market Studies With Entrepreneurs Have?
When we think of Market Studies, we normally imagine projects in the segment of attention to the final consumer. An example of sectors of this type is retail. Carrying out these investigations normally implies that we contact a large group of consumers in order to obtain statistically valid conclusions. However, there is another sector that is also of interest to… Leer más →
Which Are Some Parameters You Should Check Before Choosing A Methodology?
What Parameters Should Be Considered When Choosing A Methodology?
Various interested parties such as customers, analysts, suppliers and consumers are involved in the execution of market research. Satisfying everyone’s needs is a great responsibility since in case of making a mistake, unnecessary expenses are incurred. Among the aspects to define when planning a study are the methodology and choice of techniques. To choose one of these, all the circumstances… Leer más →
5 Underused Market Research Methodologies
Knowing consumers can be a very complex and exciting task. Like many other social sciences in market research, the means to delve into people’s behavior can be very varied and different from each other. The use of a methodology will be closely linked to the objectives to be achieved, the resources available to carry out the project and the circumstances… Leer más →