A few days ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its findings on the scenarios that we may suffer in the short and long terms of continuing or changing with our current lifestyle. It is not a minor news. Most of the possible futures that await us are dire and anticipate greater challenges than those we face today.
For some years now, companies and brands have assumed a more proactive role to constructively influence the sites in which they operate. This involvement is due, among other things, to the fact that public opinion and experts from different latitudes have identified them as partners in the state of the climate on our planet. The protocols for the protection of the environment and the development of society are already common in several markets.
Consumers often positively rate companies and brands that take tangible and regular actions to reduce environmental damage. Among the most common activities we can find reforestation campaigns and material gathering marathons. However, they are not the only ways in which they can join forces to reverse the damage that can condemn us to an unfriendly future.
Advertising and marketing have on many occasions demonstrated their powerful role in changing people’s habits and uses. In other posts on this blog we have pointed out practical examples of this technique. Thus, brands join forces with public authorities with a view to correcting traditions that, if not rectified, can result in much more costly effects to remedy than investing in long-term consumer communications.
Education through advertising is not something new and has been applied at various times in contemporary history. A message spread through a coordinated campaign in different media can have more lasting and far-reaching effects than if other alternatives were chosen. However, meeting the interests of brands and authorities may not happen on many occasions. Wherever possible, market research intervention is crucial to ensure that investment in this effort does not result in expense.
To launch a successful campaign it is necessary to know the habits and uses of the people to whom the messages are directed. Likewise, it is essential to know the patterns of media and information consumption. Otherwise it would not be possible to schedule the messages in the media, schedules and with the regularity with a greater probability of being remembered. Nor should it be forgotten that a lack of knowledge of the language, codes and interlocutors most accepted by the segments to be impacted would result in fruitless work.
Once the bases for planning an advertising campaign for educational purposes are known, we can proceed to its execution. Even so, the participation of market analysts in this type of effort does not end there. At the end of the campaign or at previously defined intervals, the true impact of the educational campaigns should be evaluated to see if it is necessary to make adjustments to future guidelines.
Ultimately, mutually supportive relationships between brands, authorities and society can ensure changes that benefit us all. If your company is planning to undertake awareness and education efforts to achieve environmental and social responsibility goals, you can write to us. At Acertiva we have the experience to develop qualitative and quantitative studies on the subject in Latin America. Write to us today to find out more.

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