Within Market Research we have at our disposal two large types of methods to meet consumers. Qualitative studies are usually used when we need to address decision elements that are often not verbalized spontaneously by people and require analysts who are experts in conducting activities alone or in groups. When we need to know a phenomenon with a larger number of respondents and the questions are more standardized, we can resort to the quantitative methodology.
Quantitative studies allow us to collect interviews in order to confirm or rule out our hypotheses made at the desk. To carry out this type of research, we almost always resort to selecting a sample of the population to be studied, since the size of the latter very rarely allows us to ask all the members of the universe about a topic. Due to its implications, we list today four reasons to consider the development of quantitative studies.
They allow knowing a population. As we outlined above, when wanting to know a determined universe of people we must resort to choosing a group of individuals from it. If we carry out this sample correctly, we can have an idea quite close to reality of the characteristics of the entire population. In this way we can make a characterization using sociodemographic parameters such as gender, age and socioeconomic level.
They feed databases. Sometimes it is not the first time that we carry out a quantitative study. Moreover, they are part of a series of surveys that serve to have data collected regularly and constantly over time. By carrying out periodic quantitative studies, we can not only get to know the population of interest, but also delve into the changes they present over time.
They are the basis for statistical analysis. A limitation of qualitative studies is that their main result is determined in the form of information. With this it is impossible to do standard statistical studies. To aspire to carry out regressions and correlations we need data. The latter are commonly collected through quantitative field surveys.
They give rise to decision making. Thanks to the fact that quantitative studies usually involve larger and more robust samples than their qualitative counterpart, we can base ourselves on their findings for decision making. This is only possible with proper planning and execution of all stages of the research protocol.
There are multiple means to carry out quantitative studies, such as interviews at points of influx, systematic jumping of houses or territorial units, online interviews and Big Data. The mechanism used in each opportunity will depend on many factors, such as the resources available, to cite just one example.
At Acertiva we have experts who can help you carry out this and other types of Market Research projects. We put at your disposal our almost 20 years of experience in Latin America. Send us a message today to tell us about your requirements and in response we will tell you how together we can write your next success story.

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