In What Environments Can Market Research Be Applied?

People develop our lives in a tangible and objective space. This sentence, which may sound so technical, is the basis for understanding the topic we present to you today. In Market Research, we seek to know consumers in as much detail as possible. Even with the emergence of Big Data, it is prudent to privilege the data and information that we really need from those who buy services and products.

In this sense, it is also a crucial aspect to determine in which venue or environment we carry out research tasks. The place can significantly influence the results of a study if its impact is not measured. This makes more sense taking into account the various alternatives that exist now. For this reason, we review four sites in which you can carry out your techniques for gathering findings.

Point of influx. Many people have had their first approach to Market Research when they were approached by an interviewer while walking on a busy avenue or waiting for someone at a public transport station. This location allows us to cover a large number of people, but with little willingness to collaborate if they are in a hurry or do not find the activity interesting. In addition, it must be considered that these are usually places with many distractions beyond our control.

Home. On the contrary, there will be situations where the methodology of the project moves us to go to the homes of consumers. There are different degrees of approximation in this area. There are tasks where it will be enough to make contact at the entrance of property of the person whose collaboration we need. In more invasive techniques, such as ethnographies, it will be essential to go to the home and share the premises with the participant. It is a complex place because the analysts are usually strangers in the place and must be extremely tactful and diplomatic in their dealings.

Central location. On the contrary, in many other investigations, those recruited to participate will be moved to an office or room in Gesell to be interviewed individually or in a group. This location offers greater guarantees of control of environmental aspects. On the other hand, obstacles such as accessibility for those who are invited, measuring the bias of courtesy characteristic of our region or ease of finding the address must be considered.

Virtual. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have been forced to adapt, even if temporarily, most of their functions to the remote route. This modality allows the simultaneous participation of people who may be physically at the antipodes. In this way, barriers such as time and language can be overcome. Although there are also inconveniences such as technical access problems due to internet connectivity and hardware limitations.

It is very possible that you already have a very clear idea of ​​the environment within which you want to carry out your market study. However, we suggest that you consult this topic with the market analysts who make up your work team in order to consider other options that may be more effective and profitable. In the end, the main objective is that the field work is carried out in the best possible conditions for both researchers and consumers.

At Acertiva we know this topic thanks to our more than two decades in the Market Research sector. We put at your disposal our team of experts and strategic suppliers to make your projects in areas such as Education, Pharmaceuticals, Retail and Restaurants a reality. Get in touch with us today. We will respond with the way in which together we will make your next success story a reality.

Fotografía de dos mujeres sentadas y charlando frente a frente en una mesa pequeña. Imagen de user1505195587 en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de duas mulheres sentadas conversando frente a frente em uma pequena mesa. Imagem de user1505195587 no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of two women sitting and chatting face to face at a small table. Image by user1505195587 on Pixabay. (English)