Knowing consumers goes through having access to their data. In the past, this task was not complicated because the volume and nature of the information that could be obtained from people was limited and was mediated by the express consent of those who answered the questionnaires. Likewise, the data collected with paper and pencil was very laborious to manipulate. This made a use different from those established by those who designed these investigations complex.
However, in these times when the internet has dominated much of our lives, the situation is very different from that of the past. At this time volumes of data are generated that a few decades ago were imagined impossible. The topics that the big bases address involve every aspect of people’s lives. Such is the amount and variety of information that can be obtained from people that it has raised alarms due to the risks that this represents.
The protection of personal data is a task that Market Research does not take lightly. Analysts and companies in the industry are attentive to the legislation of each country on the matter and apply standards of fair use and disposal of the information to which they have access. To cite an example of this practice is the design of studies in such a way that only strictly necessary data is requested. In other cases, the respondent is allowed to choose what to answer if this does not affect the objectives of the investigation.
It is also necessary to review the advances represented by the privacy notices of the market agencies. In these documents, always in harmony with the regulations of each country or competent multinational organization, mechanisms are granted for clarification, rectification, cancellation and opposition of the information held by the research companies. Through these documents, people can also know the use that will be given to their data and who is responsible for them.
In the digital sphere, the situation seems to be a little more arid, but the same control mechanisms apply as in the previous point. When using online survey pages, those who answer our questions are directed to the link with which they can access the documentation that guarantees that their data will be safe and what resources they have access to in case they change their mind after providing it. In addition to this, in the European Union the option to reject cookies is offered on each web page.
It is true that the transmission of data and information is not without its dangers. Whether in the past or now, there are areas of opportunity in the chain of use and management of these resources. Today this issue has gained its fair importance in public opinion given its repercussions. However, market knowledge companies exercise all reasonable actions within their reach to ensure that security breaches are as small as possible.
In Latin America, the issue of privacy becomes more relevant due to the knowledge of news that shows the fraudulent use of people’s information. However, the cases of improper use of data are not related to Market Research. At Acertiva we are aware of these circumstances and we are willing to help you apply your market studies with all the privacy protection requirements in our region. Write us today.

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