Since 2020 all of us have suffered a health crisis that has disrupted almost all the orders of our lives and Market Research has not been the exception. We have had to adapt our work to each new situation in the environment: transfer the entire operation to a virtual format for a few months, apply sanitary measures based on national requirements and be attentive to each indication from local authorities, to name a few examples.
One more year is about to end and with this event we hope that 2023 will be a more benign period and will allow us to turn the page a bit after months of continuous crisis. However, we have learned many lessons at this juncture. Our tolerance for frustration was tested. Our ability to adapt was taken to limits that we did not suspect. Our adoption of solutions that do not require physical presence accelerated against our expectations.
The future seems to be catching up with us. We refer to that image of tomorrow that only our parents and grandparents could even dream of. With the improvement in internet connectivity and the capacity of computers, we have witnessed this year the way in which artificial intelligences have been able to replicate some functions that only people could perform until yesterday: realistic images, works of art, texts, customer service conversations and more. This fact has set off some alarms and aroused many hopes at the same time.
However, Market Research would be nothing without all the people who dedicate their passion and skills to answer the most varied questions. Thanks to their enormous curiosity, attention to detail and analytical capacity, their own and strangers obtain valuable data and information that reduce uncertainty when making decisions. We wish all of them the best today and always and that they can be with their loved ones.
Our discipline would be nothing without our customers and suppliers. Without the former, much of our work would be meaningless. We hope that in the future we continue to count on your acceptance and trust. We know that you have also suffered a long time of challenges and it has not been easy to react in a timely manner in an increasingly unusual world. We want to greet those who are strategic and eventual allies, wishing them that their future projects and plans are fulfilled without major difficulties.
If the forecasts made by analysts and experts in different areas are true, we will continue to face threats in the short term. For this reason, in addition to hope, prosperity and work, we hope to continue counting on networks of collaboration, patience and intelligence to be able to turn the crisis into many opportunities that will bear fruit in the future. A popular saying goes that when the night is darkest, the morning is closest. We hope that the return to relative tranquility is getting closer every day.
All of us who are part of Acertiva will redouble our efforts to continue being a potential regional ally for the brands and companies that seek us. We also review our areas of opportunity in order to fulfill our mission and vision, in addition to continuing to comply with the quality management principles oriented towards prevention instead of remediation. To all the people who follow us and trust us, we wish you Happy Holidays!

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