Some Considerations About Product Testing in a Central Location

Among the many types of market studies that can be carried out are those that test flavors and smells among consumers. Organoleptic tests are quite complex and require a deployment of resources that an average study does not. For this reason, their development has to be very well justified and designed in enough detail to fully meet the objectives set.

These projects are even more complex, if possible, when they are carried out in several geographies simultaneously. This is because similar practices must be matched despite the difference in ingredients and utensils. Keeping in mind this and other challenges that this type of evaluation imposes, we list four circumstances that must be taken into account when carrying out these investigations.

Location. The sites matter a lot. Beyond the regions from which we want to obtain information, it is worth thinking about which territories you want to delve into. Within countries there are marked differences; more so if we consider that the markets of several LATAM members are very heterogeneous (the cases of Peru and Mexico, to cite a few examples). Likewise, the size of the target populations can lead your findings in one direction or another: it is not the same to apply the same project in Sao Paulo as in Presidente Prudente.

Space. The premises where you are going to carry out the product tests must allow, as far as possible, that all the people who participate have the same environmental conditions. Otherwise, biases can be added that reduce the quality of the results. As a general rule, several tests are applied in the same room and simultaneously. On the other hand, sometimes it will be necessary to apply an evaluation in an individual room consecutively, increasing the resource requirements.

Senses. Smell and taste differ greatly from person to person. Even the life of each participant can determine their degree of sensitivity. To give some explanations, there are having had infections that reduce these senses, such as acute sinusitis or COVID-19. It is important to consider this so that participants can provide data applicable to the majority of people. Supplies will also be needed to cleanse the palate and nose between the presentation of one sample and another.

Diets. We live in a world where monitoring of very specific food consumption habits has become more evident. Outside of market research, this would not pose a major complication for anyone other than the consumer who chooses one or another diet. However, for certain categories, it is essential to ensure that the participants in a study do not have consumption impediments due to allergies or certain food groups.

It is possible to choose not to carry out market studies on the perception of smells and flavours. However, if the aroma or flavour to be launched is rejected outright by people, the losses from such a move will be much greater than the amount involved in a product test. Launching a pilot may not eliminate all uncertainty, but it can reduce it and provide an opportunity for adjustments that in the long run may result in a positive launch.

At Acertiva we know the kind of situations that involve organoleptic tests. For this reason, we put at your disposal our more than two decades of experience in getting to know people and brands in Latin America. If you have a Market Research idea in mind, get in touch with us. We will tell you how together we can make your next success story a reality.

Fotografía del detalle de un tenedor. Imagen de jacqueline macou en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia do detalhe de um garfo. Imagem de Jacqueline Macou no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a fork detail. Image by jacqueline macou on Pixabay. (English)