Etiqueta: Risk

Fotografía de hojas de reportes con plumas y monedas encima. Imagen de Steve Buissinne en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de folhas de relatório com canetas e moedas no topo. Imagem de Steve Buissinne no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of report sheets with pens and coins on top. Image by Steve Buissinne on Pixabay. (English)

In What Ways Is Risk Studied In Market Research?

A primary principle of market research is to support brand decisions. This is possible by identifying data and information that directs consumer trends. In short, this allows a notable reduction in uncertainty and allows for better results in future planning. Otherwise, many errors would be made due to unassertive actions and with a cost for companies that could make them… Leer más →

Are There Only Strong Tremors In September? Lessons From Earthquakes In Marketing

Yesterday an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 (based on the National Seismological Service of UNAM) took place in Mexico. From the first seconds, an infinity of data and information was circulated; both erroneous and scientifically backed. This disruptive event triggered a series of reactions and habits that are not far removed from those that marketers study when we want to understand… Leer más →