Today we live in an interconnected world. What happens in one place can affect its opposite relatively quickly and easily. We suffered an example of this phenomenon in the COVID-19 health emergency. A pathogen managed to travel across the globe, putting us in a crisis of which we had no recent history. The exchange of ideas and knowledge involves the interaction of people from all countries of the world in a multitude of settings.
To facilitate communication between people from different geographies, Linguas Francas or Bridge Languages were used. The latter arise from choosing a prestigious language that the majority of those interested in understanding each other knew. In the 19th century it was French and from much of the 20th century onwards it was English. Today it is hypothesized that Mandarin Chinese could join or displace English given the growth of China. It is for this reason that we list four solutions for the translation of documents and files in Market Research.
General. Many of the analysts who work in the field know or are fluent in at least English and one of the languages of the country where they reside. For this reason, if the original documents are not so extensive and their content is common, it is possible to use translations made by real people without further qualification other than their competent use of the languages of the interested parties can be verified. It is used in everyday life and allows brief and constant communications.
Technical. In Market Research we work with some highly specialized segments. As can be inferred, disciplines such as Medicine and Pharmacy use a set of words and concepts that most people do not use. For this reason, the services of technical or specialized translators are hired who manage to transfer all the content of interest from one language to another without falling into inaccuracies or somewhat laughable errors.
Automated. At the beginning of the 21st century, online translators emerged. So the results they gave were more than bad and on more than one occasion they were used more as a resource to play and laugh. Over the years, Internet solutions have taken giant leaps and their results are now quite good. However, a person is still required to review the deliverables in order to correct the increasingly smaller areas of opportunity in the results.
Artificial Intelligence. We have now had just over two years in which programs that are capable of learning carry out a multitude of functions. First they surprised us with conversations that helped us answer increasingly complex questions and serve as advisors. Today we already have available the first AIs that can create videos based on a brief description. It is also possible to obtain translations with these tools, but their ethical use is still debated.
Translations can be done in real time or later when you have inputs such as transcriptions or topic guides. In a world that spins faster and faster, it is necessary to have faster and faster responses. The technologies available help us comply with the shorter terms that are very regularly seen today. Its use is subject to the discretion and judgment of the researchers based on their experience.
At Acertiva we know these circumstances and that is why we offer several answers so that our clients who do not speak Portuguese or Spanish can develop their research projects in Latin America. If you have a requirement on the subject, please contact us. We will put our team of analysts and strategic allies at your disposal. We will answer you with the way in which together we will make your next success story a reality.

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