When developing a market research project, one of the first steps to take is to define the objectives. Once these have been established, it is time to list the resources necessary to carry out the study. In some cases, your own staff and budget will be enough to carry them out. However, on some occasions they will not be enough and it will be necessary to resort to other solutions. These shortcomings are increased when the projects are carried out in territories outside the current coverage of a company.
In these situations, it is possible to turn to suppliers who share their operational capacity and experience in favor of our goals. There are not a few brands that resort to this practice since it allows expanding the possibilities of action at specific times without making major changes to the organization charts and workforce. Below we list some of the activities that are most in demand under this collaboration scheme.
- Tropicalization of materials. Translating texts, images and audiovisual content does not guarantee that the same message is transmitted from one country to another. For this reason, companies that offer services to adapt materials from one language to another offer technical and qualitative advice to ensure that there is no loss of information in this step. In this section we can also include the updating of brands offered in a specific market and segments.
- Data processing. Although today work is being done to have a universal system for processing personal data held by individuals, it is true that each region or country imposes its own legislation on nationals and foreigners. The experts in the applicable legal framework in each place are usually the citizens of each place. In this sense, ensuring compliance with current regulations on the matter is also a service requested by research companies.
- Documentary research. Also known as desk research, it is the collection and review of documents that contain the data and information necessary to cover a given topic. In each country the access and availability of the sources is different and for this reason it is essential to have local analysts to have a close and truthful knowledge. All the more this function is valuable since learning curves are avoided by training foreign analysts who may only investigate a research objective once in a foreign country.
- Recruitment of participants. If it is already laborious and complex to gather the people who cover the profile for a qualitative study session, it may be more difficult to try to do it from the other side of the planet. Having consumer recruitment providers is a highly demanded activity. However, this task is very complex given the challenges to ensure that the people summoned carry out all the tasks they are invited to do.
- Online and face-to-face moderation. It is possible to conduct an interview or group session remotely and without having to reside in the country in which the interviewees live. However, some people may feel inhibited in their treatment when they notice cultural and language distances with their interlocutor. For studies where direct and frank communication is paramount, moderation with local analysts is offered.
At Acertiva we are aware of these needs. For this reason, we launched our Bee Services®. We offer operational and logistical assistance to other research and consulting agencies to carry out market studies in Latin America. We put at your disposal our more than 18 years of experience in the region. Write us today to tell us about your needs. We are your regional partner!

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