What Can Marketing Maps Do For You?

Brands and businesses are in a constant process of improving their marketing plans. There are many aspects of the market that must be known in order to make the best possible decisions. Among the data and information that can be collected and reviewed are those of a territorial nature. In this way, Geomarketing is seen as one of the most popular Market Research disciplines.

Perhaps the most outstanding document of findings of the specialty described above is the marketing map. As you may already know, maps are usually products that highlight very particular elements and hide some others. The latter is not the product of a perverse plan. In reality, these representation choices respond to the purposes of the map itself. Therefore, today we list four elements of a map of this category that can help you the most.

Points. Most market characteristics can be represented by dimensionless resources. The advantage of this kind of elements is that they can take on an endless number of possible forms thanks to symbology. The convention of their use indicates that they should be simple to draw and resemble as much as possible the real-life object they seek to interpret. We can also choose a geometric figure for its drawing and use different colors and sizes to distinguish hierarchies.

Lines. Routes and paths are other resources that can be described in marketing maps. Among the data found in this topic are gas pipelines, electricity transmission lines, and streets and highways. Lines are quite significantly enlarged on maps because if they were represented at the exact scale, many features would not be able to be drawn. For this reason, their graphic representation is enunciative.

Polygons. Elements such as areas of predominant socioeconomic levels and administrative territorial units are part of this category. When speaking of maps in very general terms, these are the features that most come to mind for most people. Maps of states and provinces are the most widespread example of this geographic document. Sometimes polygons will be found divided into more than one continuous area.

Gradients. Commercial geographic analysis allows for the extraction of a large amount of derived resources. One of the most requested are gradients; either in the form of heat maps or continuous polygons. An example of this category are maps that show clusters of points of the same nature using color gradients. In this way, the degree of exposure to a certain phenomenon can be evaluated.

To obtain the advantages of the aspects listed above, the participation of territorial analysts is required; among whom we find geographers, territorial planners and data scientists. These experts are part of various Market Research agencies. These people are waiting to collaborate on your people knowledge projects.

At Acertiva we have our own Geomarketing area. We put our experience in brand knowledge and LATAM markets at your disposal. If you are planning a study on the subject, you know that you can count on our analysts and strategic allies to meet your objectives. Tell us about your needs and we will respond with the way in which together we will make your next success story possible.

Fotografía de dos personas consultando un mapa. Imagen de Astrid Schaffner en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de duas pessoas consultando um mapa. Imagem de Astrid Schaffner no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of two people looking at a map. Image by Astrid Schaffner on Pixabay. (English)