The market is made up of multiple sectors. Each of them has characteristics that represent challenges and opportunities when addressed from Marketing Research. Although there are basic principles that apply to any specialty, it is also true that when delving into each area it is necessary to have elements of it for a correct approach. Some of the areas that receive the most attention are the Medical and Pharmaceutical sectors.
When working with professionals and patients, market analysts must redouble their attention to detail. This is because many regulations and laws applicable to the health sector also extend to our activity. Among the reasons that explain this situation is the management and analysis of personal data that is considered sensitive in many laws. For this and many other situations, we list four topics that you should never lose sight of if you are going to carry out projects in this area.
Make flexible schedules. Both health personnel and people who suffer from an illness usually have lifestyles with schedules that are very different from those of the average person. In Latin America it is common for doctors to have more than one job and therefore it is difficult for them to have free time to participate in tasks unrelated to their activity. Therefore, it is advisable to extend the time slots for the participation of those recruited from this sector.
Comply with health surveillance. When addressing data related to diagnoses and use of medications, we are dealing with an area with important legal implications. In many countries, it is general practice to attend to and record events that may put the general population at risk. If you are going to carry out an investigation that involves these issues, it is essential to obtain legal advice so as not to leave any gap that could give rise to a sanction.
Verify credentials. It might sound a little strange, but it is essential to check the academic degree of people who claim to be doctors. Perhaps in other geographies there are enough filters that prevent a large number of people from practicing medicine without the relevant official training. In our region it is still possible to find empirical practitioners with some frequency. The same applies to patients since to enter a study they are capable of making unreliable statements.
Adapt responses. Medical practice is a humanity and as such it is crossed by an endless number of realities. We can find situations that can be very different between one country and another. We know that standardization is very useful and desirable, but if we want to understand a social phenomenon with all its aspects, we must admit open responses from the participants. It is also advisable to verify the lists of active ingredients and names of medications and brands that are available in the markets under study.
Medical consumer knowledge projects can be a little more complex than other mass consumption projects. However, with due care and supervision, these investigations yield valuable findings that allow brands to make better and strategic decisions that improve people’s quality of life.
The medical and pharmaceutical segments are one of Acertiva’s specialties. Thanks to our more than two decades of experience, we have brought together a team of analysts and strategic allies who will help you meet your needs. If you have a requirement of this nature, please contact us. We will respond to you with how together we will write your next success story.

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