Today we have multiple means to obtain data and information from people. One of these mechanisms is interviews. There are many types of questionnaires. Nowadays, those that can be done remotely and digitally have become a great niche. Some examples of these means are assisted interviews via telephone or CATI for its acronym in English. We also have online panels where participants answer questions and perform tasks autonomously.
However, one of the most traditional methods continues to retain its relevance in Latin America. We refer to face-to-face interviews or F2F. A part of the population of our region is still not completely familiar with the Internet and electronic devices. For this reason, it is necessary to approach this part of the universe with interviewers in order to collect their impressions and comments. In this way, we list four elements that impact a budget for conducting field questionnaires.
Travel expenses. Market studies that involve in-person work are usually carried out only in settings where it is not possible to collect input in any other way. Therefore, they are faced with geographies that are somewhat inaccessible from urban centers or that are in areas with security conflicts. Few teams have permanent coverage in these places, so it is essential to consider transportation, food and lodging expenses as appropriate.
Questionnaires. The application instrument takes on special weight in this type of project. When addressing populations outside the average, it will be worthwhile to make sure to design clearer and more concise questions than in any other study. Although in field studies it is common to address a group of specific people for the first time or one of the first times that a group of specific people is studied, it is good practice to apply lists of short questions that do not seem repetitive.
Devices. In this area, the issue of programming and the platform with which the questionnaire will be carried out must be considered. The latter represents greater weight given the capabilities of the digital instruments chosen to work. A smartphone will not be as useful as a tablet if you need to show audiovisual stimuli to the interviewees. The risk of theft of the devices must also be considered. On the other hand, if you choose to use paper and pencil, you must consider the costs of printing, handling and storing the physical sheets; in addition to the capture and coding.
Profile. If you do not accept a natural sample and the more rigorous the filters for participation are, the greater the effort to complete the desired quotas. Within the scope of the research objectives, it is better to address the majority of people in a given population. Otherwise, it is a non-negotiable requirement to invest more time and resources to cover groups of people with very specific characteristics.
The personnel involved in field work have extensive experience to carry out your market studies. There are more aspects to keep in mind when planning a budget for conducting interviews in addition to those stated today. However, it is worth remembering that due to the implications of these projects, we are usually talking about larger investments than their equivalents in virtual media, since the latter can do without expenses such as interviewer fees and travel expenses.
At Acertiva we have more than two decades of knowledge in projects like those described this week. We put the experience of our team of analysts and strategic allies at your disposal so that you can achieve your objectives in LATAM. If you have an idea for a market study, get in touch with us. We will respond with the way in which together we can make your next success story a reality.

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