Quantitative techniques are widely used in market research. Analysts dedicated to this type of study are required to have a degree of mastery of statistics that allows them to make a correct design of the survey and analysis of the data. However, in some cases the question arises as to which stage should be paid more attention: the survey or the analysis.
The answer depends on each particular case. For example, in those cases in which it is not possible to dedicate resources to collecting data on their own and there are providers that generate them governed by effective statistical standards, it will be enough to work on their analysis. The documentary review will include reviewing the methodology, debugging the base of erroneous records and preparing tabulars. If the databases are well done and the analysis fails, it is possible to reset the examination phase.
However, we cannot always rely on third party data. This situation can occur because the population that we need to characterize is part of a specific segment or because the availability of data already collected is limited. In order to carry out own studies, the survey design stages and their start-up become more relevant.
The vast majority of personalized studies apply one or more sampling techniques to select enough respondents to infer the characteristics of the population to which they belong. These techniques are necessary given the impossibility of contacting all members of a population that is usually made up of thousands or millions of subjects.
Sampling techniques seek to ensure that the subjects selected to provide us with information represent as effectively as possible the universe or population to which they belong. To do this, it will be sought that the probabilities that all the subjects are chosen to provide information are the most balanced given the circumstances and available resources.
Some of the best known techniques are random, simple random, probabilistic, systematic, convenience, stratified, and cluster sampling. In future posts we will talk a little more about each of them. It should be noted that each one offers limitations and advantages and your choice will depend on the objectives to be pursued and the field circumstances
To obtain the data, it is essential to clearly understand the principles of randomness and sampling. Its incorrect application results in a failed study. This type of failure can only be solved by repeating the entire process since there are no analysis resources to solve problems derived from the origin of the data. Ultimately, redoing an entire study represents an unwarranted waste of resources.
Both stages of the quantitative study process are important. However, data collection is the phase to which the greatest care, if possible, should be given due to the implications it has to ensure the integrity of an investigation.
At Acertiva we are aware of it. We have experts who can help you achieve your market research goals. Contact us today so you can tell us about your needs and we can tell you how we can satisfy them.

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