Imagine this scene. You are working on or are in charge of a business plan for a brand. You have a lot of questions about it. When you start to outline the project you realize that you are missing a lot of data and information. Since the company you are in does not have its own market intelligence department or it is saturated, you find yourself in the need to look for suppliers. You go to the browser and put the keywords that come to mind first on the subject and you find a list of agencies that you had never heard of before.
How do you overcome the border between you and your next supplier? You might think that it would be enough to send messages to the contact inboxes and emails to the sales addresses of the websites that you trust the most. When you receive a response from these companies you discover that there are some common questions. For this reason, we list four topics that you should have at hand to take the best first step in your adventure in the knowledge of people and brands.
Key questions. From the beginning, the request for Market Research services starts with a list of questions that we want to resolve and for which our current capacity is not sufficient. The more detailed your list of specific objectives is, the better it will be to advance your request for a quote. Only in this way will the person who answers your request know exactly the scope of your needs. Be as clear and thorough on this topic as you can.
Target customer. This is a basic element within the segment. Be clear about the sector of the population that your product or service is focused on; even if this is just a visualization. The approaches and means to cover objectives depend largely on the socioeconomic group to be addressed. The resources and steps to follow are very different if, for example, we must consider first-time mothers than senior citizens. In addition, depending on the country or region, the response rate may be higher or lower depending on the case.
Geography. Define the territorial scope in advance. Unless you already work for a large company that has enough resources to cover regions such as entire countries or groups of them, it is worthwhile to prioritize areas with greater interest. You can start with places of a very important city. You can also review two or three cities with the greatest potential to choose where to launch that future offer you have in hand.
Decisions to be made. With all the data indicated above, you only have to define what actions you want to take based on the deliverable requested. This last point is crucial because it allows agencies to see the whole picture from a privileged point of view. In this way, you can receive better feedback that allows you to resolve your project with methodologies or techniques that are more appropriate to your goals. If you have doubts about this step, remember that you can request the signing of a confidentiality agreement.
Each client is unique and unrepeatable. Although there are common factors, each requirement has its defined particularities. The process of requesting reports to do a market study is crucial because you will establish a satisfactory relationship if the visions of both parties coincide to the greatest possible degree. Have the confidence to ask all the questions and ask for any clarifications you have on the matter. And remember to do pilot tests before starting a full study!
At Acertiva we understand the concerns described here today. Thanks to our two decades of experience, we can assist you in your Market Research plans. Count on our team of analysts and strategic allies in LATAM to fulfill your goals. Get in touch with us right now. You will get back how together we will write your next success story.

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