Each region of the world has its peculiarities. The weight of use of each market research methodology is no exception. Just as each geographic area presents a different socioeconomic advance, the latter influences which techniques and methods they dominate. Knowing them gives us tools to choose the most appropriate methods and techniques for each region.
In places where the level of income is lower, analogue methodologies such as face-to-face interviews and group sessions will dominate. While in the most highly developed digital media for data collection prevail. Next, we will talk about the characterization of Europe, North America and Latin America based on the most recent report from the ESOMAR media entitled Global Market Research 2019.
Europe. Of the three regions, it is the one in which the most is invested in quantitative studies (81%) and the one in which the least is spent in secondary analyzes (1%). The methodology that has the most weight in total spending on this continent is quantitative research online (27%). This behavior is possible thanks to clear privacy regulations and wide internet penetration among the bulk of the population.
North America. In this area, quantitative studies have a greater weight compared to other types of studies since they represent 79% of the total expenditure made on market research in 2019. However, the methodology with the highest percentage of investment was also quantitative research in line with 28%. However, the second methodology with the highest representation of spending was telephone interviews (15%). The advance of the use of the internet and the custom of the use of the telephone direct this region of the world.
LATAM. Of the three regions, Latin America is the one with the least investment in quantitative studies (71%). Secondary analyzes (8%) are more important since information needs that otherwise would be more expensive and complex to cover can be addressed through these types of sources. The most helpful methodology for spending participation is the analysis of web traffic and / or traditional media audiences. It should be noted that face-to-face interviews are very closely related to 20% of investment in the region. It is clear that in this region consumers still prefer traditional channels over digital ones.
On several occasions, brands with an international presence want to be able to apply the same methodology for the same measurement in different countries. However, this in several cases is very difficult or even impossible given the clear differences between each site. It is necessary to adapt, insofar as statistical details allow, adapt the study with the most widely used methods in each market.
This does not mean that market researchers have a passive role in the task of evolving the ways in which the consumer is known. However, in specific situations it depends largely on the environment of each space. This fact has become more evident in recent months when the global epidemic has made us rethink almost everything we thought we knew about it. It remains to join forces with the different actors in each place to overcome the gaps that separate the different segments.

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