What Types of Maps Are Used in Marketing Research?

Deploying the data and information collected in field surveys is one of the substantive tasks of Market Research. There are multiple resources that we can use for this objective. Among these we find maps. Geography is one of the social sciences that best knows these elements. One of the most valuable contributions of this discipline is answering the “where” question that brands ask themselves.

Within Cartography, which is the area that is responsible for creating and reading maps, there are various types of representations of the terrain that serve to make better decisions. The choice of each one will depend on many aspects. Some characteristics to take into account are the nature of the data to be displayed and the chosen scale. For this reason, today we list four types of maps used in our segment.

Choroplethic. This is possibly the first type of map that many of us make in our lives. These are documents where a series of data of a quantitative variable are represented by different shades of the same color. Generally, the spatial unit is political-administrative demarcations such as states, provinces or municipalities. Its usefulness lies in being able to identify at a first glance the territories that stand out in a certain variable.

Topographic. In Economics we talk about the friction that space causes for economic processes. This is of great interest to companies since there is a difference between conceiving the territory as a flat dimension without obstacles, as perceived on a simple map, or with its barriers such as mountain ranges and ravines. These products are of great value to logistics brands to improve routes and better redistribute travel expenses.

Urban. Many marketing processes take place in cities. That’s why it’s no surprise that space analysts turn to urban maps for their reports. Whether through the use of blocks, neighborhoods, road networks or postal codes, an endless number of findings can be represented such as socioeconomic levels, demographic profiles and consumption patterns.

Historical. Although spatial regression studies are not described within Cartography, it is possible to investigate territorial distribution patterns from years ago to try to understand the current geographical logic of a given phenomenon. Sometimes it will be enough to resort to maps of the past to identify ancient elements of the space. Meanwhile, in other circumstances comparisons will be made using layers of photomaps and old maps.

Having experts in analysis and representation of georeferenced data is highly appreciated in agencies in the sector. Beyond diminishing, every day your participation in Market Research is seen as something fundamental. It is not uncommon to find a model of space or a globe in the offices of decision makers due to the enormous significance that the spatial component has in the growth of companies.

At Acertiva we have experts in the field ready to satisfy your needs. We have more than two decades knowing consumers and market participants in LATAM. We are attentive to your messages to find out about your future projects. Let us together make your next success story a reality.

Fotografía de una brújula sobre un mapa. Imagen de beasternchen en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de uma bússola em um mapa. Imagem de beasternchen no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a compass on a map. Image by beasternchen on Pixabay. (English)