Mes: julio 2022
¿Cómo Ha Evolucionado El Tipo De Cambio De Las Monedas de LATAM Frente Al USD?
How Has The Exchange Rate Of LATAM Currencies Evolved Against USD?
4 Tips For Applying Long Interviews
In previous posts on this blog we have insisted that field surveys that last a long time usually mean high incidences. This situation increases costs and estimated times since it implies recruiting people who are willing to collaborate with us despite the limited schedules that many of us have. Although on many occasions we would like to obtain all the… Leer más →
4 Dicas Para Aplicar Entrevistas Longas
Em postagens anteriores deste blog, insistimos que pesquisas de campo que duram muito tempo geralmente significam altas incidências. Esta situação aumenta os custos e os tempos estimados, pois implica recrutar pessoas que estejam dispostas a colaborar connosco apesar dos horários limitados que muitos de nós temos. Embora em muitas ocasiões gostaríamos de obter todos os dados e informações com entrevistas… Leer más →
4 Consejos Para Aplicar Entrevistas Largas
En entradas anteriores de este blog hemos insistido en que los levantamientos de campo que duran mucho suelen significar incidencias altas. Esta situación incrementa los costos y los tiempos estimados ya que implica reclutar personas que estén dispuestas a colaborar con nosotros a pesar de la agendas limitadas que muchos disponemos. Aunque en muchas ocasiones quisiéramos conseguir todos los datos… Leer más →
Como A Geografia Ajuda Na Pesquisa De Mercado?
¿Cómo Ayuda La Geografía A La Investigación De Mercados?
How Does Geography Help Market Research?
Market Research And Data Privacy
Knowing consumers goes through having access to their data. In the past, this task was not complicated because the volume and nature of the information that could be obtained from people was limited and was mediated by the express consent of those who answered the questionnaires. Likewise, the data collected with paper and pencil was very laborious to manipulate. This… Leer más →