Some of the more well-known topics within the practice of Market Research include satisfaction surveys, concept tests, and evaluation of habits and customs. However, there is another side of the sector that leads us to understand and learn about the problems and needs of people who are in conditions of social vulnerability.
As we have mentioned in other entries in this blog, one of the many orientations that Market Research has refers to studies of Social Impact. In this segment, our discipline makes social analysis tools available to those who require it to delve into the causes of problems and the conditions that increase people’s exposure to lagging conditions of different kinds.
For this reason, this week we list four aspects that must be present in any research project in the social field.
Sensitized analysts. As a general rule, analysts who are in charge of working on issues involving consumers and consumption normally have an objective orientation aimed at resolving the goals of Marketing. However, to get involved in social issues, in addition to having the experience and skills of our specialty, it is necessary to have a background in social studies and training in the most recurring topics of this matter. It is also desirable that they have a vocation to carry out research with vulnerable groups without undermining the objectivity of their professional practice.
Have background information on the area or group under study. Although various social impact investigations have the objective of delving into the characteristics of a target segment, all previous data and information is always welcome and that sheds light on the main conditions of the territories where the people we are interested in knowing live, since in this way it is possible to choose the best techniques and tools available to make the approach as practical and safe as possible.
Optimize available resources. When the issue of the budget of social impact projects is addressed, in many cases, all the resources are not always available than in investigations in other sectors. On several occasions, the reason for carrying out these studies is to answer the questions of larger projects that include transcendental decision-making, whether in the public or private sector. For the reason listed above is that the available budgets are usually very tight and the planning of its use must be as efficient as possible.
Adapt to the environment. The places where the people we want to know their characteristics or backwardness conditions live and/or work are usually places crossed by different types of violence. Knowing the above, field teams must be ready and adapt to these circumstances to ensure the safety and tranquility of both the people who are going to be approached and the researchers who will arrive from outside to avoid unfortunate events for one party or the other.
Market Research also fulfills a purpose other than what many people might believe is its only objective: to help brands and companies make better decisions. However, it also collaborates with Civil Associations, NGOs and Public Organizations when planning and obtaining priority information and data for the design and launch of support programs for the people who need it most.
Whenever it is in our hands, Acertiva is available to collaborate with Social Impact initiatives when carrying out studies that seek a positive change for all people. If you are about to develop a Market Study in LATAM, we invite you to write to us so that you can tell us about your project and we, in turn, can tell you how together we can write your next success story.

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