Knowing consumers involves collecting data and information from them. Nowadays there are many means to accomplish this task. Thanks to the Internet we can access a previously only imagined volume of this valuable raw material for Market Research. However, in Latin America some forms of collection still persist that are well worth remembering today.
Conducting interviews at busy points has gained new relevance these days where a new normal has entered after the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts know that this way of obtaining information entails some considerations. For this reason, today we list four good practices to keep in mind when using this mechanism.
Permissions. This concept depends on the site chosen. There will be some places where it is not necessary to obtain a license to establish a team of interviewers. However, when it is necessary to carry out surveys in places such as Shopping Centers or Supermarkets, it is essential to have the necessary documents and authorizations to access these establishments. To achieve them, collaboration between clients and agencies is essential.
Experience. Each mechanism for obtaining information has particularities and requires different capabilities. Field work is very hard and involves direct contact with people. Consumers need to be approached cold and in situations where they do not expect to be interviewed. Interviewers should be quite friendly and persuasive. In addition, it is essential that they know how to correctly paraphrase the questions and capture as faithfully as possible the statements of people with fairly short time.
Timing. Designing field protocols at the influx point involves having a clear and in-depth knowledge of the times at each selected place; It must even be matched with the knowledge of the target consumer. Distributing productivity quotas in places where floating populations of office workers predominate is not the same as another more familiar place. Knowing what hours and days the best results will be achieved will avoid spending resources without justification.
Devices. Now the uprising with electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones predominates. This represents savings knowing how to execute it correctly. If the platforms require it, it is a priority to ensure that they have access to the internet during the sessions. Another issue involved in this concept is the safety of the devices. In some places in our region it is common for work equipment to be stolen, so databases must be backed up as soon as they are compiled.
Sometimes the use of this type of information gathering can result in a headache due to unpleasant incidents, fortunately they are the exception and not the rule. In part, coping with these unpleasantries is due to the expertise and skill of the lifting teams. Our analysts are ready to advise you when evaluating this and other mechanisms to achieve the objectives of your market studies.
At Acertiva we have more than two decades of experience in Market Research in LATAM. You can count on our team of collaborators and strategic allies to carry out your projects to deepen your knowledge of the market in our region. If you have a requirement on the matter you can write to us today. We will respond to you with how together we will make your next success story a reality.

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