Acertiva Turns 20!

A little more than two decades ago Acertiva’s trajectory began. We are a market research agency that was born with the goal of basing successful decisions. We have bases of operations in Mexico City and Sao Paulo. In these twenty years we have gained experience in the planning and execution of studies in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Among our clearest differentiators are the constant accompaniment to our clients throughout the process of carrying out a project and the formulation of solutions tailored to the needs of the brands and companies that trust us. We specialize in the categories of consumer goods, restaurants, healthcare and education.

To develop our operations we are governed by various reference frameworks of leading organizations in our segment. Among the standards we follow are the ISO 9001:2015 and the ESOMAR Guides and Codes, to name a few examples. We are also jealous of compliance with the National Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Our team follows a series of values that guide us to fulfill our mission as a company: we have a commitment to quality, which is why we are in a constant process of improvement, we develop open and clear communication with our customers and suppliers, we learn quickly and agile of our experiences with each project executed, and we propose personalized responses.

Throughout these years we have found a series of objectives that our clients demand the most. We offer market studies in fields such as innovation of concepts and attributes, optimal prices and comparison of what the competition offers, distribution of points of sale and placement channels, recall and monitoring of the health of a brand, and evaluation of satisfaction and loyalty.

We take a brief pause in the operation to share the joy that surrounds us at reaching a new milestone in our journey. We send many greetings to our past and present collaborators for all the effort and talent invested in the agency. Without our strategic allies and suppliers, it would not have been possible to get this far.

We know that we have many more lessons to learn to get closer to our goal. It is thanks to our clients that we have achieved much of the experience that supports us today. Without your trust we would not have achieved anything in this second decade of life. We hope to continue counting on your preference and we are looking forward to those who are yet to come.

The future looks promising based on the end of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the irruption of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and the maturation of segments that are gaining more weight such as electronic commerce. We will continue to make our knowledge available to you so that together we can continue writing your success stories.

Fotografía de un hombre sosteniendo un pastel de cumpleaños. Imagen de Karolina Grabowska en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de um homem segurando um bolo de aniversário. Imagem de Karolina Grabowska do Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a man holding a birthday cake. Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay. (English)