Categoría: English
What Are Some Of The Most Difficult Profiles To Recruit In Market Research?
The market is made up of a large number of segments. The one that seems most familiar to most people is the mass consumption products that can generally be found in most points of sale. Regardless of whether it is a neighborhood store or a supermarket, it is possible to find almost universal goods such as food, toilet paper and… Leer más →
Four Elements That Intervene In The Cost Of Conducting Interviews
What Elements Affect A Budget For Conducting Field Interviews?
Today we have multiple means to obtain data and information from people. One of these mechanisms is interviews. There are many types of questionnaires. Nowadays, those that can be done remotely and digitally have become a great niche. Some examples of these means are assisted interviews via telephone or CATI for its acronym in English. We also have online panels… Leer más →
What Elements Of A Restaurant Can Be Evaluated In A Market Study?
What Aspects Are Evaluated In A Restaurant Study?
Establishments that serve food are one of the many sectors that can benefit from market studies. This investment makes more sense when you know that the budgets put to work in this area are much larger than those of other segments. Before hiring staff, looking for a good location or acquiring all the perishable supplies, it is worth paying close… Leer más →
Four Tips For Conducting Face-To-Face Interviews At The Point Of Sale
What Recommendations Should You Take When Conducting Interviews At The Point Of Sale?
All market research starts with the raw material of our segment: data and information. Even today when we have sources such as Big Data, it is necessary to contact people on a small scale to gather their impressions about their consumer experiences. This situation is very evident in brands that need to regularly evaluate their offer and there is ample… Leer más →
What Aspects Of Your Brand Should You Reinforce With Market Research?
What Things Are Not Worth Replicating From Paris 2024?
Last week we shared with you four lessons you can take from the celebration of the Paris Olympic Games (see more here). However, there are also several ideas that are worth highlighting so that you do not suffer them in your own shoes. The sporting event was marked by several news stories that went down in history, and not for… Leer más →