Categoría: English

Fotografía de la mesa de un restaurante. Imagen de Tim Bigger en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de uma mesa de restaurante. Imagem de Tim Bigger no Pixabay. (Português) / Restaurant table photography. Image by Tim Bigger on Pixabay. (English)

What Aspects Are Evaluated In A Restaurant Study?

Establishments that serve food are one of the many sectors that can benefit from market studies. This investment makes more sense when you know that the budgets put to work in this area are much larger than those of other segments. Before hiring staff, looking for a good location or acquiring all the perishable supplies, it is worth paying close… Leer más →

Fotografía del río Sena en su paso por París. Imagen de Pexels en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia do rio Sena passando por Paris. Imagem do Pexels no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of the Seine River as it passes through Paris. Image by Pexels on Pixabay. (English)

What Things Are Not Worth Replicating From Paris 2024?

Last week we shared with you four lessons you can take from the celebration of the Paris Olympic Games (see more here). However, there are also several ideas that are worth highlighting so that you do not suffer them in your own shoes. The sporting event was marked by several news stories that went down in history, and not for… Leer más →