Categoría: Market research
What Aspects Are Evaluated In A Restaurant Study?
Establishments that serve food are one of the many sectors that can benefit from market studies. This investment makes more sense when you know that the budgets put to work in this area are much larger than those of other segments. Before hiring staff, looking for a good location or acquiring all the perishable supplies, it is worth paying close… Leer más →
Recommendations For Conducting Studies Of The Farming Sector
Considerations For Conducting Studies Of The Farming Sector
There are many specialty segments in the market. This makes it difficult in practice for the same agency to cover each and every one of these. The human and technical resources required to address all sectors would be large. This situation is also exemplified in a popular saying that says «he who covers a lot, takes little.» However, it is… Leer más →
What Alternatives Are There To Do Translations In Market Research?
Today we live in an interconnected world. What happens in one place can affect its opposite relatively quickly and easily. We suffered an example of this phenomenon in the COVID-19 health emergency. A pathogen managed to travel across the globe, putting us in a crisis of which we had no recent history. The exchange of ideas and knowledge involves the… Leer más →
Que Alternativas Existem Para Fazer Traduções Em Pesquisa De Mercado?
Hoje vivemos em um mundo interconectado. O que acontece num lugar pode afetar o seu oposto de forma relativamente rápida e fácil. Sofremos um exemplo desse fenômeno na emergência sanitária da COVID-19. Um agente patogénico conseguiu viajar por todo o mundo, colocando-nos numa crise da qual não tínhamos história recente. A troca de ideias e conhecimentos envolve a interacção de… Leer más →
¿Qué Alternativas Hay Para Hacer Traducciones En Investigación De Mercados?
Hoy en día vivimos en un mundo interconectado. Lo que ocurre en un sitio puede afectar a su antípoda con relativa rapidez y facilidad. Un ejemplo de este fenómeno lo padecimos en la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19. Un patógeno logró viajar por todo el globo poniéndonos en una crisis de la que no teníamos antecedente reciente. El intercambio de ideas… Leer más →
What Good Practices Can We Follow When Programming Questionnaires?
What Reasons Justify Hiring Market Research Services?
Why Should You Hire Market Research Services?
Today we live in a highly competitive world in which those who react most effectively and proactively will have the best results. Market Research is a strategic area that is gaining more and more weight every day inside and outside brands. However, in several territories it is still not considered a constant function and is usually outsourced through agencies. Hiring… Leer más →