Categoría: Trends

Fotografía de una mujer trabajando frente a su laptop con un café a un costado. Imagen de Pexels en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de uma mulher trabalhando em frente ao laptop com um café ao lado. Imagem do Pexels no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a woman working in front of her laptop with a coffee on the side. Image from Pexels on Pixabay. (English)

How To Encourage People’s Participation In Market Research?

To obtain findings it is necessary to obtain the raw material of Market Research: data and information. In some cases the latter can be achieved through office investigations. However, in some projects it is not enough to do a documentary review. When it is necessary to approach consumers, there are many elements at play that define the ease with which… Leer más →

Fotografía del teclado de una calculadora. Imagen de fancycrave1 en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de um teclado de calculadora. Imagem de fantasiacrave1 no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a calculator keyboard. Image by fancycrave1 on Pixabay. (English)

Is There A Glass Ceiling For Market Research Clients?

At school we are taught that each person who has something to offer can use Marketing tools and solutions to enhance their value proposition. Our discipline covers multiple areas that few people can cover in their entirety and with competence in each of these. It is a classic and almost an obligation to remember the four «P’s»: the product, the… Leer más →