We are approaching the first 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world. In this period all aspects of our daily life have been disrupted. Diet and all the factors related to it are no exception. Below we list five trends on changes in observed in the uses and eating habits of people in most countries.
- Higher-level consumers made their diet healthier. Different studies agree that people with a higher income increased their consumption of healthy and fresh food such as fruits and vegetables. This decision was influenced by academic training and information that states that thanks to a balanced intake the risk of complications from COVID-19 decreases.
- The segments that saw their income decreased or eliminated increased spending on processed foods. Faced with the cutback of the means to survive, many people were forced to allocate the available budget on cheaper food. Cheaper foods are often less nutritious and saturated with poorly nutritious ingredients. Those hardest hit even decreased their pre-pandemic average daily intake.
- The food supply channels were adapted to physical distancing. Markets on wheels were severely affected by declining purchases due to restrictions on leaving home. Supermarkets, being one of the few activities that were considered essential, did not close or did so in a short time, so consumers concentrated their spending on this channel.
- The effects on emotional health due to the health crisis led many to dietary disorders. Many people around the world have suffered the emotional ravages of a long period of numerous rules that limit coexistence. Pre-existing apprehension, stress, depression and anxiety influenced in increasing eating disorders prior to health contingencies by SarsCov2 and those who did not adopt unhealthy habits. For this reason, not a few have stated that they eat more snacks or sandwiches between meals and after hours.
- Culinary learning and practice reemerged. Several people who had access to more free time spent several of those extra hours consuming cookbooks, tutorials and courses to learn to cook at home. In this way, spending on food at home and away from home decreased, as well as investment in kitchen utensils and spending on more varied ingredients.
The trends outlined above summarize several of the culinary and food transformations that various analysts and agencies have observed in the wake of COVID-19. It should be remembered that each country has its own peculiarities and they must be known before generalizing conclusions about the present and future of households in the face of the global epidemic. What is clear is that these and other trends will modify consumer habits in the medium and long term.
We are experiencing a phenomenon that is still ongoing. It is still necessary to completely overcome the pandemic. What is valid today will no longer be valid tomorrow. In these times where data and information are being generated every day, market research reaffirms its role as a powerful tool for making the best decisions. At Acertiva we are attentive to meet your consumer research needs. What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today.

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