Valentine’s Day in 2020 was still enjoyed without the health crisis. At the time, the rumor of an epidemic in Asia was seen far away and hopes were pinned that it would be a minor matter. However, we are all witnesses that it was not. At the time of publishing this post, the end of the pandemic is looming far away. This coming Sunday will once again be the day of love and friendship. The question we ask ourselves today in the midst of this scenario is how the changes in the relationship between brands and people will continue.
We have previously described trends and hypotheses of transformations in this relationship. Fear of infection, limited resources in some segments, and physical distancing have led to the adaptation of consumer behavior patterns. On this occasion we want to refer to this last motivator since its effects may be seen for a time beyond the end of the contingency.
And this February 14 will be a date of special attention to try to understand what the outlook may be like in the near future. At Christmas and New Year’s Eve it was observed that, despite the seriousness of the number of infections, people mobilized to reunite with their loved ones. At the time it was a relief for some sectors of the economy. However, the cost in the short term translated into a steep wave that hardly gives a break.
If the end of 2020 put to the test our tolerance for frustration regarding our family ties, next Sunday in various countries the weight of our love relationships and friendships will be verified. It is not for less. In some places this date is one of the most important on the calendar. Business lines such as restaurants, hotels, flower shops and confectioneries depend to a great extent on the success of this celebration.
Physical distancing will play a fundamental role in responding to the behavior then observed. Will there be an upturn in sales given the momentum of consumers to celebrate? Will solutions via the internet continue to gain prominence to say «I love you» to being loved? The answers to these and more questions cannot be ignored by those of us who are dedicated to market research because they will lead to the study of future trends.
People usually identify some brands as just another friendship if they have a high degree of satisfaction and identification with them. That is why the hypotheses and practices that we describe this February 14 can be useful when designing new qualitative studies with the aim of planning the «new coexistence» without physical distancing.
Everyday life will never be the same again and the generation that suffered from COVID-19 will live the rest of their lives marked by the lessons they will leave when it is a memory. Understanding this generation will be a constant challenge for market research users. At Acertiva we are attentive to your messages to guide you in your next projects with a view to understanding this fascinating phenomenon.

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