To the joy of many, the year 2020 is about to end. With it, a moment of our lives that was disrupted by the COVID-19 epidemic will be left behind. We are still far from seeing the end of the health contingency. However, thanks to advances in the application of various vaccines and the discovery of an effective treatment, a possible return to tranquility is already visible.
However, life will never be completely as before. Some things will change permanently. Assuming the new practices from now on will be the differentiator between being competitive and close to people to being reactive and risky. Although there are nuances in each category, we share five trends that we must not lose sight of in the markets in the immediate future.
- Better hygiene. Those who are responsible for sanitary measures project an image of empathy and genuine concern. Some have already lost family and friends and still others fear bringing the infection home. For this reason, while the pandemic is not overcome, it is essential to follow the actions suggested by the authorities so as not to interrupt the supply of products and services. Furthermore, this situation has increased spending on hygiene and sanitation supplies.
- More online activity than in person. Although in LATAM we may not soon witness a replacement of customer service by robots, we did see an explosive advance in the penetration of digital solutions. This point goes hand in hand with a significant investment in security and stability of the software that brands offer to their consumers. A bad experience using an application or web platform can backfire now.
- Social exhaustion. Since March 2020, containment measures began in much of Latin America. Therefore, people are extremely tired of everything that surrounds the health crisis. For this reason, the number of people who want to return to their normal daily life, within what is possible, will be increasing. You have to learn to communicate with consumers without hurting susceptibility. The latter generates a polarization of people’s attitudes towards the pandemic.
- Permanent remote work. Many companies and employers have proven the benefits of the home office. Therefore, a segment of workers will seek to maintain this work format on a regular basis when the situation ends. Therefore, consumption and investment patterns at home will continue to be driven by this behavior.
- Greater caution when making purchases. All have been affected in one way or another by the economic crisis derived from the epidemic. Therefore, consumers can continue to appeal in the short and medium term to rationality to make their spending. Healthier products, having a reservation at home, and choosing cheaper alternatives are just some of the variables that have gained strength in recent months.
At Acertiva we know that the immediate future still seems unclear. To face this uncertainty, market research offers powerful tools to know what we do not yet fully understand. We are listening to your comments to find out how we can write your next success story together. Contact us using the button below.

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