The universe of products and services that are available in the market is immeasurable. The internet is full of satisfiers of very different kinds and there is no lack of content referring to this topic as another curiosity. Some of the categories are even the reason for blushes and certain social taboos. However, that does not prevent the brands and companies behind it from needing Market Research solutions.
How to carry out market studies of such specialized and sensitive segments? As a general rule, it would be enough to follow the good practices of the guild. However, it is worth reviewing some suggestions so that, if necessary, the projects on those categories that are not very common are a success.
- Be open minded. Many times, in market studies we must be flexible and allow ourselves to be surprised. As long as it is legal, there is no sector of the market that is more or less worth analyzing. We know that not all analysts have the ability to get out of their comfort zone, but those who do manage to add experiences that enrich their range of skills.
- Ensure the privacy of the participants. Before we outlined that when we study sensitive issues for the bulk of the market it can be accompanied by greater resistance from people to participate with us. Just as the brands in these segments usually ensure that no close friend or loved one will know the details of their purchase, we must also ensure this in market studies when this is the case.
- Use snowballing. Since we are talking about somewhat small and very specific market niches, it will be a challenge to be able to contact people who can provide us with data and information for analysis. In these cases, it is worth using the «snowball» recruitment technique. On more than one occasion, by researching a small segment, consumers create a community and will be able to refer to each other in an environment of trust.
- Be respectful of others. It would seem obvious, but human beings tend to face the other as a threat. This is why we can show some defensive attitudes when we feel uncomfortable. Analysts must display professionalism and be as objective and respectful of unusual topics as possible. We are not saying that a small genuine emotion is not allowed, but attention should always be given priority to what we should not exactly share.
Although in routine practice there are issues that are more common than others, we should always be open to learning about research requirements that can test the tolerance of more than one person. In the end, Market Research is a professional activity that depends on the curiosity and taste for solving problems on the part of the people who are involved in this discipline.
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