Etiqueta: February 14th

Fotografía de dos corazones de madera. Imagen de DWilliam en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de dois corações de madeira. Imagem de DWilliam no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of two wooden hearts. Image by DWilliam on Pixabay. (English)

In What Ways Can You Evaluate Love For Brands?

February 14 is a date where love and friendship gain marked interest. However, affection has several aspects. There is affection for one’s partner, friends, family and profession. Nowadays brands acquire a personality and for this reason it is not strange to find cases of love for them. For this reason, Market Research addresses the measurement of the parameters of closeness… Leer más →

February 14 and physical distancing

Valentine’s Day in 2020 was still enjoyed without the health crisis. At the time, the rumor of an epidemic in Asia was seen far away and hopes were pinned that it would be a minor matter. However, we are all witnesses that it was not. At the time of publishing this post, the end of the pandemic is looming far… Leer más →