Etiqueta: Georeferenced data

Fotografía de una persona colocando un pin en un mapa digital. Imagen de Tobias Albers-Heinemann en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de uma pessoa colocando um alfinete em um mapa digital. Imagem de Tobias Albers-Heinemann do Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a person placing a pin on a digital map. Image by Tobias Albers-Heinemann from Pixabay. (English)

Why Georeference In Market Research?

To get to know consumers we can collect countless data and information. The quantity and its nature depend on the objectives to be pursued. Among them we find the location that is fundamental in Geomarketing studies. Perhaps the most common example of this type of data is that of a point with geographic coordinates: latitude and longitude. It should be… Leer más →