Four Ways For Consumers To Actively Participate In Market Research

There are many ways to learn about markets. As a general rule, when we think about this situation we visualize analysts from the most varied disciplines carrying out research tasks. However, people who consume products and services can actively collaborate in various techniques in order to provide input for analysis. This does not mean that they do the work of… Leer más →
Some brands seek to open new locations to offer services and produce goods. These investments are usually very large. This is because goods and supplies such as land or real estate, furniture, machinery and consumables are acquired. However, most of the plans to open new locations refer to the team of collaborators who will make the launch of the new… Leer más →
There are multiple ways to access data and information within Market Research. Among the different alternatives that we have at our disposal to expand our knowledge of people we find the Mystery Shoppers. Mystery shoppers are people in charge of making purchases in different establishments and formats in order to obtain discoveries through experiencing the purchase process just as any… Leer más →