Four Places Where Market Studies Can Be Carried Out

People develop our lives in a tangible and objective space. This sentence, which may sound so technical, is the basis for understanding the topic we present to you today. In Market Research, we seek to know consumers in as much detail as possible. Even with the emergence of Big Data, it is prudent to privilege the data and information that… Leer más →
Ever Given was a name that we won’t be able to forget anytime soon. For a few days, international trade was disrupted by a container ship stuck in one of the busiest shipping lanes on the planet. The photograph of a small backhoe dredging the Suez Canal in an attempt to speed up the removal of the large ship will… Leer más →
One of the traditional 4 «p’s» is undergoing changes that a few years ago still seemed a little far off. The place is redefining itself so fast. Connoisseurs of the this subject continue to investigate what new characteristics it has not only in marketing but in all the areas in which this dimension is involved. Before, the place was an… Leer más →