Four Advantages Of Each Category Of Samples For Market Studies

Getting to know people represents many challenges for market analysts. Among the issues that attract the most attention from insiders and outsiders is clearly determining how many consumers should participate in our projects. This is because the ideal would be to be able to get to know all the individuals in a given population. Although with the advancement of the… Leer más →
Among the many types of market studies that can be carried out are those that test flavors and smells among consumers. Organoleptic tests are quite complex and require a deployment of resources that an average study does not. For this reason, their development has to be very well justified and designed in enough detail to fully meet the objectives set.… Leer más →
The market has multiple specialty sectors. Among these is the educational one. This sector can be classified into different classes depending on the chosen parameter. For example, if we stick to the type of resources obtained, we have public ones (most numerous in Mexico), hybrid ones (exceptional in LATAM), and private ones (most common in Brazil). Generally, it is the… Leer más →
In-person activities require many resources. They imply having an adequate physical space and all the necessary technical requirements to carry out all the scheduled tasks. Likewise, it is necessary that this site be easily accessible for people invited to go to it. Despite its strengths, today we have the possibility of developing these same activities online. The SarsCov2 pandemic has… Leer más →
The world has made progress in building a new normal as the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has decreased. One of the changes that the health contingency helped accelerate in various regions was the adoption of online solutions for the vast majority of our daily activities. Market Research was no exception and to continue with the operation, a large part… Leer más →