This day various activities are carried out within the framework of International Women’s Day. March 8 symbolizes the fight for the recognition of women in all facets of life. This situation is preceded by inequality in access to income and equitable rights between genders. In Latin America, this problem is deeply rooted given the historical development of the region. Within Market Research there are several ideas that are well worth reviewing within the framework of this date.
In our segment, progress has been made in the placement of managers and executives of both majority genders in agencies and trade organizations. However, there are still gaps that are well worth identifying. Some specific cases are crossed by other local and cultural realities. Given the universality that involves the knowledge of people, it allows researchers to have greater scope of vision of life. As a consequence, teams with a plurality of profiles can be seen in our sector.
The link between Market Research companies and civil society organizations is another aspect worth mentioning. Many of these non-profit initiatives are aimed at solving social problems. This task is perhaps one of the most direct applications that market knowledge offers to change our world. There are a variety of initiatives that help to reduce the lack of systematic opportunities for women. To cite a few examples, we have efforts to offer cheap financing and consultancy for the establishment of cooperatives.
One way to be aware of many situations is through knowledge of data and information. Demography and Geography as auxiliary sciences to Marketing offer endless figures and findings that help to gauge the problem that women suffer in some territories even today. This leads many people involved in marketing to be more sensitive to local problems and inspires them to act individually or in the company of more interested parties to alleviate reality.
Many research projects aim to understand groups of people with a certain profile. In many cases, it seeks to meet segments of women. To carry out these projects it is necessary to take into account the particular needs of the female gender. Far from contradicting the equality that is sought between men and women, it is essential to understand that particular conditions must be offered for the equal participation of people. For example, to invite mothers with minor children to participate in studies, schedule flexibility must be contemplated and childcare services must be offered so as not to complicate the attendance of the participants.
There are many ideas that escape us due to the length of our blog post. As a final idea, we want to establish that there is still a long way to go so that we can live in a less unequal world. Access to opportunities should be limited solely by the ability and integrity of the attendees and not by gender or age. Market Research can be a powerful ally to achieve these goals if the people who are part of the sector remain involved in building a better reality.
Acertiva does everything possible to contribute to the achievement of these objectives. Within our almost 20 years of experience we have collaborated with civil associations whose purpose is to improve our society. Are you part of these organizations? Do you need market analysis providers? Write us today so that you can tell us about your needs and we can answer you with the way in which we can be your potential allies in LATAM.

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