In the month of May, the International Market Research Day and Teacher’s Day are celebrated in Mexico. In both anniversaries, the exercise of reviewing what learning we have received and what we need to go through to be better in our work performance and in the training of new cadres who will join our segment tomorrow or who will replace us when we can no longer continue.
We live in a world that changes at a more dizzying speed every day. This situation forces us to adopt an attitude of permanent learning. Each innovation comes more quickly and they are increasingly numerous. We want to take advantage of this week’s blog post to stop along the way and list just four of the lessons that our segment offers us at this time.
Give a voice to marginalized sectors. The motto of IMRD24 was related to using the media offered by our segment to make visible and empower less favored classes and groups. It is true that in practice, and mainly in LATAM, the focus is on addressing people from traditional socioeconomic levels. However, all people have needs and exchange their time for products and services. This date serves to think about this problem.
More competitive income. A situation that stood out during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is the income imbalance of individual and collective people within Market Research. It is necessary that the efforts provided by analysts and interviewers be consistent with their quality and timeliness and not be a mere matter of price fighting. This problem demands the participation of all those involved to continue our activity without affecting the chain of operation.
Humanize research. Sometimes it may seem that our work sees consumers as mere numbers in a statistic. This reading is too superficial since in many cases this is because in compliance with personal data privacy laws the information must be anonymized. On the contrary, thanks to qualitative techniques, greater focus is placed on aspects such as emotions and attitudes that in the long run are more relevant than cold data read out of context.
Build a better world. Critics of market research argue on more than one occasion that the sole purpose of our work is to make the profits of companies and brands more efficient. However, there are several agencies and analysts that dedicate their experience and work to more noble and selfless objectives. One of the specializations of Market Research is Social Impact. In this way, marketing methodologies are applied to reduce poverty and violence in many geographies.
This list of teachings is merely illustrative and does not seek to cover all the topics that are on the table. These points serve as a starting point to continue the debate and criticism of our activity. We also want to take the opportunity to celebrate the people who dedicate part of their time to teaching and transmitting Marketing knowledge to new members of the segment. Thank you so much.
At Acertiva we are also immersed in this pause to understand our role and undertake actions that allow us, from the place where we are, to support the training of students and new cadres who approach us to ask for advice and support in their education. Now, if you are looking to develop a project, then you can write to us right now. We will respond to you with how together we will write your next success story.

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