A person has attributes that allow him to distinguish himself from others. Among these we have the name, physical appearance, personality, style of clothing, address, among others. Brands are no exception. The market is made up of countless of them. Centuries ago, when there were few suppliers, the idea of a brand was not so relevant to consumers. As the offer grew, the real need arose to distinguish products and services with a seal that would distance them from imitations or counterfeiters.
Nowadays, the brands themselves are a very valuable asset for companies. It is not for less. Having characteristics that distinguish you from the majority and that have the loyalty of consumers is worth gold. How many times have we not witnessed that certain items are purchased with singular enthusiasm only for the brand that offers them? Or in extreme cases, how many times have we heard of people searching for a brand because of the brand itself?
That is why today we list some of the characteristic elements that brands have to develop to stand out from the rest.
- Name. It is the most basic element. Having a name that is easy to learn and that is very characteristic may seem like a simple task at first. However, choosing this one is not free of obstacles. Names that produce confusion between what is offered and what is wanted to be projected should be avoided. You also have to be careful if you choose one in a language other than the native one, since as the brand grows and launches its internationalization, it can fall into embarrassing situations.
- Logo. The graphic identity is perhaps the most visible and remembered part of the brands. Whether through a logo, an isotype, or an isologo, the shapes and font used are at the end of the first elements that consumers will remember. Straight shapes are usually chosen for prestigious brands that seek to project tradition. Instead, rounded shapes are often used for brands that want to be seen as innovative and friendly.
- Color. Much has been said about color theory and brands are aware of it. Neutral colors are usually related to power, elegance and sophistication. The orange color is related to vitality. Green with life and ecology. Yellow with joy. The color purple is identified with power. Blue with spirituality and calm. As a general rule, it is recommended not to use many colors for a brand image. However, at this time when diversity is sought, the combination of several colors is not uncommon.
- Shape. On some occasions, people from the most varied latitudes recognize a brand just by seeing the image of a particular bottle or package. This identity feature is extremely attractive for brands as they are a way of linking consumers with elements that everyone is capable of distinguishing with a single stimulus.
- Personality. Finally, we want to talk about the values, attitudes and behavior of brands. There are some that stand out for their high sense of status and others that are very jovial and tend to be aware of the latest fashion trends. This feature is sometimes difficult to study and perceive since it depends both on what the brand actively and passively projects and on its own consumers.
At Acertiva, we are aware of these characteristics. That is why we have a team of analysts ready to help you deepen your brand awareness. Whether using qualitative or quantitative techniques, our researchers can help you carry out your market studies successfully thanks to our more than 18 years of experience. Write us today to find out your needs so that together we can write your next success story.

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