What Solutions Does Geomarketing Offer You?

Within the Market Research industry there are multiple sciences and disciplines that provide their techniques and methods. Among them we find Geography. The branch that offers answers to the questions that derive from the variable «place» is known as Geomarketing. Given its great value, this is one of the specialties that, even without receiving its current name, was one of the first to be developed in our segment.

Determining the most strategic sites for the locations of brands and companies is a task that requires the participation of analysts with a degree or specialty in geographic sciences or territorial planning. This is essential since knowing how to analyze georeferenced data implies very extensive training that touches many other areas of knowledge. Today we reveal four Geomarketing applications that can add value to your company.

Describe the territory. Eight days ago we mentioned that some studies require basic knowledge of the territories in which brands seek to expand. Geomarketing also participates in this task due to its scientific nature. To approach a site it is essential to know all the details about it. Space analysts are capable of selecting the most outstanding data that are decisive for making fundamental decisions.

Analyze a lot of data. In Geography we also work with large databases. For this reason, it is not strange that professionals in this science have the skills to analyze and manage various sources. The added complexity of the work of these experts lies in knowing how to work with spatial reference attributes, which are quite valuable for other phases of an investigation. Cleaning inaccurate records, generating graphs and characterizing territorial units are part of the functions of these experts.

Point out correlations. Another particularity of the relationship that gives rise to Geomarketing is the one that refers to the identification of solid relationships between different attributes. Although other sciences and techniques can help us in this type of analysis, it is true that the geographical method stands out among the others due to the spatial component. It is thanks to the results of research of this nature that it is possible to find places saturated by this or that offer or to know if a previously unnoticed phenomenon defines consumer behavior.

Map findings. Maps are the characteristic document of the specialty. In cartography it is possible to record an enormous volume of data and information that would otherwise involve using several pages of text and graphics. Being a highly specialized deliverable, it is essential to comply with the technical minimums that allow clients and experts from other disciplines a quick, simple and in-depth reading of them.

The significance of the projects that involve Geomarketing can be seen in the number of studies that contemplate this technique and the companies that have an internal department specialized in the matter. With the arrival of new technologies, territorial knowledge and Marketing solutions look very promising. Its benefits can be maximized as long as there is the participation of experts in the field.

At Acertiva we have been certain about this for several years and for this reason we have one of our Geomarketing solutions. It is thanks to our analysts and strategic suppliers that we can put this and other tools at your disposal. If you have a Market Research requirement in LATAM, contact us right now. We will respond to you with how together we will write your next success story.

Fotografía de una mapamundi con piezas de ajedrez encima. Imagen de StarFlames en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de um mapa mundial com peças de xadrez no topo. Imagem de StarFlames no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of a world map with chess pieces on top. Image by StarFlames on Pixabay. (English)