Market Research seeks to know people. To fulfill this purpose, it is necessary to invite consumers to participate in various activities, either in person or remotely. For this reason recruitment is one of the most critical tasks in the sector. Fully complying with this phase is very complex and involves many areas of opportunity that we will address in the future. However, today we want to focus on some factors that define a recruitment.
Depending on the objectives of the study, certain requirements will be requested from potential participants. These elements can be classified under some general topics. The more filters respondents have to go through, the greater the complexity, time, and cost required to complete quotas. Knowing these parameters in advance will help us better plan the stages prior to the operational phase. Below we mention the main variables that define a recruitment.
Time to reach quotas. There is a saying that everything in life is relative. With enough time even the most sophisticated profiles are likely to be achieved. However, in most cases this is not the case. Research projects stick to schedules that often stand out for their brevity. In this case, the less time available to contact the people who can participate in the studies, the more complicated it will be to recruit them.
Age of the participants. In other posts on this blog we have mentioned the circumstances involved in recruiting participants from certain age groups. When considering inviting minors, the process of convincing their parents and/or guardians should be considered, as well as the available time for infants for school issues and extra-curricular activities. The same can be extrapolated to other segments such as the elderly.
Specialization. In some investigations it is necessary to contact people with certain professional training such as Engineering, Medicine, Science, etc. Also on other occasions we will be interested in contacting people who have used this or that product or service in a given window of time. Based on the incidence rate of each profile, precautions should be taken to achieve successful recruitment.
Language. In general, the operational stages of the studies are carried out in the vernacular of the guests. When it is necessary to change the language, the products derived from the interviews or group activities are translated. However, sometimes it is possible to advance the translation much earlier by contacting recruits who use the desired tongue. This makes recruitment more complex because the incidence of people who speak another language, at least in LATAM, is not as high as in other regions.
Without the participation of the respondents, many market studies would not be possible. Contemplating the items that modify a recruitment is relevant because many other stages of an investigation depend on it. Detailing and being clear with the requirements of the people we want to invite will help us successfully achieve the objectives in the time available.
At Acertiva we have almost 20 years of experience developing market studies in Latin America. Thanks to our strategic allies we can bring the consumers that your project needs closer to you. Are you about to carry out an investigation? Write us today so that you can tell us about your needs and in turn we can tell you how together we can write your next success story.

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