The year is about to end and with it a period full of great challenges and novelties. Our segment has been full of transformations that have raised serious debates about the suitability of certain solutions and the future that awaits a significant number of workers. We have recorded some of these topics in our blog. Today we want to take advantage of this last entry of the month to review the most outstanding of these trends.
These topics will surely continue to be talked about in the years to come. This is because many are symptoms of paradigm shifts that have not yet fully adapted to people’s reality. However, we believe that with the experience of previous revolutions we will soon have a new daily life where new work niches and experiences will emerge in our profession. That is why we list the four most outstanding ones for your consideration.
Adjustment to the new normal: in-person versus virtual. History, some experts say, is often pendular. This means that some processes oscillate between periods of extremes. After five years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many agencies returned to a full in-person approach for all their substantive activities. This is in contrast to the 100% virtual approach used by force during 2020 and 2021. We believe that each company must find a balance between both systems to obtain the greatest benefits that each alternative offers.
Evaluating brand love with conversation algorithms. Have you ever wondered when was the last time you wrote a letter to a family member or loved one? In this highly digitalized world, the answer may be quite a while ago. Now we tend to express our feelings almost exclusively through social media. The same applies to what we want to share about our favorite brands or what we don’t like. Thanks to advances in programming, it is possible to create programs that evaluate brand perception in real time.
Lessons from the Paris Olympics. The sporting event in the French capital turned out to be an intensive course in marketing aspects from which we can extract more than one lesson for Market Research. Paris also turned out to be a kind of laboratory to find out the tolerance of the audience towards certain ideas and concepts. In the end, the Parisian event achieved one of its objectives: to attract the attention of a good part of the public to the celebration every four years. The brands took note of this and will apply the principles observed in the short and medium term.
Current implications of the use of AI in Market Research. This is perhaps one of the trends that attracts the most attention inside and outside the industry. Multiple activities have seen their foundations shaken by the effects of the use and training of Artificial Intelligences. There is the conflict derived from the inputs necessary to train these programs. We also found that their use could eliminate jobs. The truth is that whoever knows how to use them to their advantage and mediate human criteria in their products will succeed in outstandingly boosting their productivity in repetitive tasks.
Our list is not intended to be exhaustive, but it does include the guidelines that we had the opportunity to share with you on this blog. Far from being a list of situations that could keep you up at night, they are invitations to analyze what you can get from them and integrate them into your plans to know your brands and people in 2025. Added to an environment that looks very volatile due to recent political and economic events, we believe that it is a good time to make changes and take advantage of the opportunity to reinvent yourself or die trying.
At Acertiva we want to take the opportunity to thank you for another year of experiences and learning. Thanks to our team of collaborators and strategic allies, we have managed to reach more than two decades in the category in LATAM. With offices in Brazil and Mexico, we hope that the next cycle will be full of renewal and evolution for our clients, suppliers and analysts. We wish you a warm and comforting holiday in the company of your loved ones. Let us continue to base successful decisions today and always.

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